Till at 40 to 60 inches (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Uneroded areas with silt loam or loam surface layer (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
More sand and less clay in the upper part of the subsoil (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Somewhat poorly drained soils (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
St. Clair (90%) Till Ridge Oxyaquic Hapludalfs Moderately well drained Hydric: No PAWS: 18 cm |
knolls end moraines / Shoulder end moraines / Backslope
Severely eroded areas with carbonates at less than 18 inches (5%)
Hydric: No PAWS: NA |
Poorly drained soils (5%)
Hydric: Yes PAWS: NA |