Berks with fewer rock fragments in the surface layer (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
better drained Guernsey (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
eroded Guernsey with a silty clay loam surface layer (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Berks (55%) Side Slope Typic Dystrochrepts Well drained Hydric: No PAWS: 4 cm |
Guernsey (30%) Side Slope Aquic Hapludalfs Moderately well drained Hydric: No PAWS: 17 cm |
bedrock at 10 to 20 inches (3%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
somewhat poorly drained soils in seeps (3%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Westmoreland (3%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Coshocton (3%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Gilpin (3%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |