no grayish-brown mottles in the upper part of the subsoil (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Oshtemo (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
surface layer and subsoil more than 40 inches thick (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Digby (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
darker colored surface layer (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Haney (95%) Lake Plain Flats Aquic Hapludalfs Moderately well drained Hydric: No PAWS: 22 cm |
beach ridges / Summit beach ridges / Shoulder beach ridges / Backslope stream terraces / Summit stream terraces / Shoulder stream terraces / Backslope
Mermill (3%)
Hydric: Yes PAWS: NA |
Hoytville (2%)
Hydric: Yes PAWS: NA |