Milton (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Less clay in the subsoil (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Ritchey (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Fine sandy loam, sandy loam, loamy sand, or loam surface lay (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Dark colored surface layer more than 10 inches thick (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Bedrock at 10 to 18 inches (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Stones or boulders on the surface or in the soil (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Slopes of 0 to 2 percent (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Dunbridge (47%) Shallow Limestone Drift Mollic Hapludalfs Well drained Hydric: No PAWS: 8 cm |
reefs / Summit reefs / Shoulder reefs / Backslope lake plains
Spinks (43%) Shallow Limestone Drift Lamellic Hapludalfs Well drained Hydric: No PAWS: 11 cm |
reefs / Summit reefs / Shoulder reefs / Backslope lake plains
Castalia (5%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Marblehead (5%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |