Fripp-Baratari complex

Fripp (55%)
Coastal Strand, Beaches, and Dunes
Typic Quartzipsamments
Excessively drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 4 cm
marine terraces
Leon (35%)
Wet Spodosol Flats and Depressions
Aeric Alaquods
Poorly drained
Hydric: Yes
PAWS: 24 cm
marine terraces
Pickney (2%)
Flooded Mineral Soil Flood Plains and Terraces
Cumulic Humaquepts
Very poorly drained
Hydric: Yes
PAWS: 15 cm
flood plains
Bohicket (2%)
Tidal Marsh on Mineral Soil
Typic Sulfaquents
Very poorly drained
Hydric: Yes
PAWS: 12 cm
Capers (2%)
Tidal Marsh on Mineral Soil
Typic Sulfaquents
Very poorly drained
Hydric: Yes
PAWS: 3 cm