Official Series Description

Lab Data Summary

Aggregate lab data for the GRAVEL PITS soil series. This aggregation is based on all pedons with a current taxon name of GRAVEL PITS, and applied along 1-cm thick depth slices. Solid lines are the slice-wise median, bounded on either side by the interval defined by the slice-wise 5th and 95th percentiles. The median is the value that splits the data in half. Five percent of the data are less than the 5th percentile, and five percent of the data are greater than the 95th percentile. Values along the right hand side y-axis describe the proportion of pedon data that contribute to aggregate values at this depth. For example, a value of "90%" at 25cm means that 90% of the pedons correlated to GRAVEL PITS were used in the calculation. Source: KSSL snapshot . Methods used to assemble the KSSL snapshot used by SoilWeb / SDE

There are insufficient data to create the lab data summary figure.

Water Balance

Monthly water balance estimated using a leaky-bucket style model for the GRAVEL PITS soil series. Monthly precipitation (PPT) and potential evapotranspiration (PET) have been estimated from the 50th percentile of gridded values (PRISM 1981-2010) overlapping with the extent of SSURGO map units containing each series as a major component. Monthly PET values were estimated using the method of Thornthwaite (1948). These (and other) climatic parameters are calculated with each SSURGO refresh and provided by the fetchOSD function of the soilDB package. Representative water storage values (“AWC” in the figures) were derived from SSURGO by taking the 50th percentile of profile-total water storage (sum[awc_r * horizon thickness]) for each soil series. Note that this representation of “water storage” is based on the average ability of most plants to extract soil water between 15 bar (“permanent wilting point”) and 1/3 bar (“field capacity”) matric potential. Soil moisture state can be roughly interpreted as “dry” when storage is depleted, “moist” when storage is between 0mm and AWC, and “wet” when there is a surplus. Clearly there are a lot of assumptions baked into this kind of monthly water balance. This is still a work in progress.

There are insufficient data to create the water balance bar figure.

There are insufficient data to create the water balance line figure.

Sibling Summary

Siblings are those soil series that occur together in map units, in this case with the GRAVEL PITS series. Sketches are arranged according to their subgroup-level taxonomic structure. Source: SSURGO snapshot , parsed OSD records and snapshot of SC database .

There are insufficient data to create the sibling sketch figure.

Select annual climate data summaries for the GRAVEL PITS series and siblings. Series are sorted according to hierarchical clustering of median values. Source: SSURGO map unit geometry and 1981-2010, 800m PRISM data .

There are insufficient data to create the annual climate figure.

Geomorphic description summaries for the GRAVEL PITS series and siblings. Series are sorted according to hierarchical clustering of proportions and relative hydrologic position within an idealized landform (e.g. top to bottom). Most soil series (SSURGO components) are associated with a hillslope position and one or more landform-specific positions: hills, mountain slopes, terraces, and/or flats. Proportions can be interpreted as an aggregate representation of geomorphic membership. The values printed to the left (number of component records) and right (Shannon entropy) of stacked bars can be used to judge the reliability of trends. Small Shannon entropy values suggest relatively consistent geomorphic association, while larger values suggest lack thereof. Source: SSURGO component records .

There are insufficient data to create the 2D hillslope position figure.

There are insufficient data to create the 3D hills figure.

There are insufficient data to create the 3D mountains figure.

There are insufficient data to create the 3D terrace figure.

There are insufficient data to create the 3D flats position figure.

Competing Series

Soil series competing with GRAVEL PITS share the same family level classification in Soil Taxonomy. Source: parsed OSD records and snapshot of the SC database .

There are insufficient data to create the competing sketch figure.

Select annual climate data summaries for the GRAVEL PITS series and competing. Series are sorted according to hierarchical clustering of median values. Source: SSURGO map unit geometry and 1981-2010, 800m PRISM data .

There are insufficient data to create the annual climate figure.

Geomorphic description summaries for the GRAVEL PITS series and competing. Series are sorted according to hierarchical clustering of proportions and relative hydrologic position within an idealized landform (e.g. top to bottom). Proportions can be interpreted as an aggregate representation of geomorphic membership. Most soil series (SSURGO components) are associated with a hillslope position and one or more landform-specific positions: hills, mountain slopes, terraces, and/or flats. The values printed to the left (number of component records) and right (Shannon entropy) of stacked bars can be used to judge the reliability of trends. Shannon entropy values close to 0 represent soil series with relatively consistent geomorphic association, while values close to 1 suggest lack thereof. Source: SSURGO component records .

There are insufficient data to create the 2D hillslope position figure.

There are insufficient data to create the 3D hills figure.

There are insufficient data to create the 3D mountains figure.

There are insufficient data to create the 3D terrace figure.

There are insufficient data to create the 3D flats position figure.

Soil series sharing subgroup-level classification with GRAVEL PITS, arranged according to family differentiae. Hovering over a series name will print full classification and a small sketch from the OSD. Source: snapshot of SC database .

This figure is not available.

Block Diagrams

No block diagrams are available.

Map Units

Map units containing GRAVEL PITS as a major component. Limited to 250 records.

Map Unit Name Symbol Map Unit Area (ac) Map Unit Key National Map Unit Symbol Soil Survey Area Publication Date Map Scale
Gravel pits310110494351nfpak64019861:24000
Gravel pitsGPI200536481stlaz66219661:20000
Gravel pitsGp306458639hd7tca02119611:20000
Gravel pitsGP159813991wb0sca09719681:20000
Gravel pitsGP61459204hdv1ca11319681:20000
Gravel pits240260459152hdscca60219781:24000
Gravel pits143259486418jb4xca60319741:24000
Gravel pits398325487316jc2wca60419941:24000
Gravel pitsGp447459998hfnnca60719671:20000
Gravel pitsGp1024456584hb3jca60919631:20000
Areas excavated for gravelGP48486518jb84ca61419671:24000
Gravel pitsGP12612765nkmmca62419681:20000
Gravel pitsGP1714127711jf38ca63719581:15000
Gravel pitsGP1857456719hb7wca63819671:24000
Gravel PitsGP111822363wlqvca64419591:24000
Gravel pitsGP614036841j3n4ca64519611:20000
GRAVEL PITSGP13817090wf7rca64619671:24000
Gravel pitsGp157463430hk7cca65119591:20000
Gravel PitsGP14513896851hn2kca67219661:20000
Gravel pitsGP665735773spmmca67519681:24000
Gravel pitsGP441849286xhrbca67919671:15840
Gravel pits and dumpsGP578464032hkvsca68019741:24000
Gravel pitsGP13413987631hyjdca68119681:24000
Gravel PitsGP18223934832lbm4ca68820081:24000
Gravel pitsMISLD33399406034w6co00119681:20000
Gravel PitsGP69799581912f76co00519711:20000
Gravel pitsGP12394361355xco02519651:15840
Gravel pits2191341049993j82co07320011:24000
Gravel pits312349451235bsco07519741:24000
Gravel pitsGp2199472335klco08919661:15840
Gravel pitsGPA1699485135pqco09919631:15840
Gravel pitsGrA5314160921jjkdco11519691:15840
Gravel pitsGp267498654jqwmco63119721:24000
Gravel pits42949497690jpwjco64419801:24000
Gravel pits901936508802k2fzco67720181:24000
Gravel pits660497312jphbco69019741:24000
Gravel pitsGPI36468225hq71hi98019681:24000
Gravel pit501590409122fqqhia11919731:15840
Gravel pitsGp2010315682blh9me00519691:24000
Gravel pitsGP8312844589k02me01119741:20000
Gravel pitsGp399115326017q1yme60219671:20000
Gravel pitsGP6117128571vhcgme61419601:20000
Gravel pitsGp3712022846sh9mi04719681:20000
Gravel pitsGt851894416c40mi05519631:15840
Pits, gravel5511281886656b9zmi05919911:15840
Gravel pitsGp62418797569lqmi06719651:15840
Gravel pitsGr9911920286ftgmi08719661:15840
Gravel pitsGp901908931zhtcmi09119571:20000
Gravel pitsGr2620187564695gmi09319681:20000
Pits, gravelPG9318738968ztmi12119661:15840
Gravel pitsGr16571926696gh4mi13919671:15840
Gravel pitsGP445656543q15tmi14719691:20000
Gravel pitsGp100718780269f4mi15519671:12000
Gravel pitsGP1323754302kqtsms01119561:20000
Gravel pitsGP17202488125z1rms01319631:15840
Gravel pitsGP28210909928spgms02119611:20000
Gravel pitsGP7210908528sp0ms02719561:24000
Gravel pitsGP5322155892dchmms03119621:15840
Gravel pitsGP482202490225z2fms03319551:24000
Gravel pitsGp230567851m1wsms04319651:15840
Gravel pits-Udorthents complexGa2405567963m20dms05119971:20000
Gravel pitsGP552027388261nmms05319561:20000
Gravel pitsGP3614286211jylkms09319681:20000
Gravel pitsGP998210877828sc3ms10719611:24000
Gravel pitsGp9261468274xscmt60019691:24000
Gravel pitsGP1061482584z8jmt60420011:24000
Gravel pits2361253341990cgvymt61319751:24000
Borrow areas and Gravel pits53181511025278mt62719981:24000
Gravel pits7426361410d42dmt65519751:24000
Gravel pitsGP1016022761qs9bmt67020071:24000
Pits, gravelPr14712810049fdnnh60119801:20000
Gravel pits11134414088681j91cnv60219851:24000
Gravel pits730419124529302nbgsnv76119881:24000
Pits, sand and gravelPt4902894099q4sny01119681:15840
Gravel pitsGP508301710b3ylny03720041:24000
Gravel pitsGP3892925599tfdny05319751:15840
Gravel pitsGP3772928179tpqny05719731:24000
Gravel pitsPG14342935629vgrny06719731:20000
Gravel pitsGP4892940319vywny07319731:15840
Gravel pitsGP16422941149w1kny07519731:15840
Gravel pitsGv45017119971vggqny09319731:15840
Gravel pitsGP4917124611vgypny09519651:15840
Gravel pitsGP842947249wp7ny09919661:15840
Gravel pitsGP4516758581t7vyny10919631:20000
Pits, gravelPt390114927817kxhny66419681:15840
Gravel pitsGr3151687945nmzoh02519721:20000
Gravel pitsGp1281692385p39oh04719681:15840
Gravel pitsGv171689945nvfoh06919681:15840
Pits, gravelPg5541694905pcfoh10919731:15840
Gravel pitsGp14421702585q56oh11319691:15840
Pits, gravelPg17382884599p54oh13319731:15840
Gravel pitsGp271706375qkfoh13719711:20000
Gravel pitsGp9414060721j645oh15919701:15840
Gravel pitsGp6651713495r9doh16519671:20000
Gravel pitsGp2529255051jvyjsd61019651:20000
Gravel pitsGP10715429631nsl0tn04719611:15840
Mines and Gravel PitsMP187414053771j5drtn15719661:15840
Gravel pitsGp1000481370j4x2ut60219691:20000
Gravel pitsGP660493154jk56ut60719651:15840
Gravel pitsGP85508517k24sut60919741:24000
Gravel pitsGp1774482907j6hnut61219671:20000
Gravel pitsGP35493077jk2qut64019671:20000
Gravel pitsGP38315736258r6wy61319691:20000
Gravel pits and Bentonite pitsGp39350851cs2swy61919711:24000
Gravel pitsGP15415269753wqwy62319711:20000
Gravel pitGP221590995bk7wy67719751:24000

Map of Series Extent

Approximate geographic distribution of the GRAVEL PITS soil series. To learn more about how this distribution was mapped, or to compare this soil series extent to others, use the Series Extent Explorer (SEE) application. Source: generalization of SSURGO geometry .