Stonelake (65%) Dry Upland Typic Udorthents Excessively drained Hydric: No PAWS: 8 cm |
outwash plains / Shoulder
Sanburn (25%) Loamy Upland Inceptic Hapludalfs Somewhat excessively drained Hydric: No PAWS: 10 cm |
outwash plains / Backslope
Soils that have a sandy substratum (5%) Inceptic Hapludalfs Somewhat excessively drained Hydric: No PAWS: 15 cm |
Markey (2%) Mucky Swamp Terric Haplosaprists Very poorly drained Hydric: Yes PAWS: 43 cm |
outwash plains stream terraces
Braham (1%) Loamy Upland Arenic Hapludalfs Well drained Hydric: No PAWS: 29 cm |
outwash plains moraines / Shoulder moraines / Backslope
Nebish (1%) Loamy Upland Typic Hapludalfs Well drained Hydric: No PAWS: 32 cm |
outwash plains moraines / Shoulder moraines / Backslope