Rockcreek-Evolution, wet-Littlepete complex, 1 to 20 percent slopes

Rockcreek (30%)
Subalpine Discharge Slopes
Histic Cryaquepts
Poorly drained
Hydric: Yes
PAWS: 17 cm
glacial-valley floors
seeps / Toeslope
seeps / Footslope
Evolution (22%)
Discharge slopes and moist toeslopes
Vitrandic Cryorthents
Somewhat poorly drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 5 cm
ground moraines
seeps / Footslope
Littlepete (20%)
C-D-Channel riverine meadow system
Aquandic Cryaquents
Poorly drained
Hydric: Yes
PAWS: 10 cm
glacial-valley floors
flood plains
Terric Cryosaprists (12%)
Cryic basin peatland
Terric Cryosaprists
Very poorly drained
Hydric: Yes
PAWS: 51 cm
glacial-valley floors
flood plains
Mendel (10%)
C-D-Channel riverine meadow system
Vitrandic Cryofluvents
Somewhat poorly drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 5 cm
glacial-valley floors
flood-plain steps
Forgotten (4%)
High Gradient, Glacially Scoured Headwater Riverine
Oxyaquic Humicryepts
Moderately well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 7 cm
glacial-valley floors
drainageways / Footslope
drainageways / Toeslope
Water (2%)

Hydric: No