Shawmut gravelly loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes | 113 | 5101 | 346259 | cm9n | mt608 | 1976 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 4 to 8 percent slopes | 114 | 4168 | 346261 | cm9q | mt608 | 1976 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 4 to 15 percent slopes, bouldery | 74D | 6 | 147573 | 4ykf | mt609 | 1971 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut extremely bouldery loam, 8 to 50 percent slopes | 551F | 1381 | 154925 | 566l | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut stony loam, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 251E | 1045 | 154668 | 55y9 | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes | 51D | 593 | 154896 | 565n | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut cobbly loam, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 151E | 589 | 154603 | 55w6 | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 15 to 35 percent slopes, moderately impacted | 751E | 585 | 155039 | 56b8 | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Roy-Shawmut-Danvers complex, 35 to 60 percent slopes | 351F | 478 | 154726 | 5605 | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut cobbly loam, 35 to 60 percent slopes | 151F | 298 | 154604 | 55w7 | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 4 to 8 percent slopes | 51C | 282 | 154895 | 565m | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut cobbly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes | 151D | 174 | 154602 | 55w5 | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 4 to 8 percent slopes, moderately impacted | 751C | 170 | 155037 | 56b6 | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately impacted | 751D | 143 | 155038 | 56b7 | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 51E | 131 | 154897 | 565p | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut very bouldery loam, 8 to 25 percent slopes | 451E | 111 | 154796 | 562f | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Roy-Shawmut-Danvers complex, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 351E | 80 | 609571 | 4wlb | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut stony loam, 0 to 15 percent slopes | 251D | 79 | 154667 | 55y8 | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 35 to 60 percent slopes | 51F | 57 | 154898 | 565q | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 2 to 4 percent slopes | 51B | 54 | 154894 | 565l | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Roy-Shawmut-Danvers complex, 35 to 60 percent slopes, moderately impacted | 951F | 51 | 155223 | 56j6 | mt616 | 2003 | 1:24000 |
Roy-Shawmut-Danvers complex, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 351E | 10434 | 144347 | 4wlb | mt621 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut cobbly loam, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 151E | 2532 | 144225 | 4v2f | mt621 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 51E | 1770 | 144471 | 4vbc | mt621 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Roy-Shawmut-Danvers cobbly loams, 35 to 60 percent slopes | 351F | 1457 | 144348 | 4v6d | mt621 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes | 51D | 1388 | 144470 | 4vbb | mt621 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 4 to 8 percent slopes | 51C | 1014 | 144469 | 4vb9 | mt621 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut very bouldery loam, 0 to 8 percent slopes | 451C | 517 | 144429 | 4v90 | mt621 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes | 51B | 500 | 144468 | 4vb8 | mt621 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut cobbly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes | 151D | 453 | 144224 | 4v2d | mt621 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut cobbly loam, 4 to 8 percent slopes | 151C | 389 | 144223 | 4v2c | mt621 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut cobbly loam, 35 to 60 percent slopes | 151F | 359 | 144226 | 4v2g | mt621 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 35 to 60 percent slopes | 51F | 253 | 144472 | 4vbd | mt621 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Roy-Shawmut-Danvers complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes | 351D | 250 | 144346 | 4v6b | mt621 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut very stony loam, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 251E | 244 | 144295 | 4v4p | mt621 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Tolbert complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes, very stony | 639E | 4061 | 155627 | 56y7 | mt622 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Meagher-Shawmut-Bowery complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes | 752E | 2031 | 155709 | 570w | mt622 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Martinsdale-Shawmut complex, 15 to 35 percent slopes, very stony | 652E | 1793 | 155633 | 56yf | mt622 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Martinsdale-Shawmut complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, very stony | 652D | 1142 | 155632 | 56yd | mt622 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut cobbly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, stony | 355D | 309 | 155416 | 56qf | mt622 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes | 677C | 12006 | 1902108 | 21v9b | mt624 | 2021 | 1:24000 |
Meagher, very bouldery-Shawmut, stony complex, 8 to 35 percent slopes | 701E | 3114 | 2487063 | 2pgzv | mt624 | 2021 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes | 677D | 955 | 1902109 | 21v9c | mt624 | 2021 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, very stony-Meagher, stony-Wimper complex, 4 to 15 percent slopes | 705D | 701 | 2487075 | 2ph07 | mt624 | 2021 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, bouldery-Shawmut, stony-Tolbert, bouldery, complex, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 744E | 1727 | 151317 | 52g6 | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, bouldery-Shawmut, very bouldery-Tolbert, bouldery, complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes, dry | 745E | 1707 | 151319 | 52g8 | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, bouldery-Wickes, stony-Tolbert, bouldery, complex, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 2013E | 1221 | 150797 | 51xf | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Gnojek, stony-Wickes, stony-Shawmut complex, 8 to 35 percent slopes | 2360E | 910 | 150912 | 5214 | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, stony-Tolbert, very stony, complex, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 747E | 762 | 151321 | 52gb | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, stony-Martinsdale, very stony, complex, 4 to 25 percent slopes | 742E | 678 | 151316 | 52g5 | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Martinsdale-Shawmut complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes, bouldery | 1223D | 627 | 150542 | 51n6 | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, stony-Shawmut, bouldery, complex, 4 to 15 percent slopes | 2020D | 584 | 150801 | 51xk | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Martinsdale-Martinsdale, stony-Shawmut complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes | 1222C | 566 | 150540 | 51n4 | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, stony-Martinsdale, very stony, complex, 4 to 15 percent slopes, warm | 2012D | 530 | 150795 | 51xc | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Whitecow, bouldery-Shawmut, very bouldery-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes | 585E | 501 | 151145 | 528n | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, stony-Martinsdale, very stony, complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes, warm | 2012E | 390 | 150796 | 51xd | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Wickes-Gnojek complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes, bouldery | 745D | 366 | 151318 | 52g7 | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Tolbert complex, 8 to 35 percent slopes | 746E | 321 | 151320 | 52g9 | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Martinsdale-Shawmut, stony-Martinsdale, bouldery, complex, 4 to 25 percent slopes, warm | 1724D | 319 | 150694 | 51t3 | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 4 to 15 percent slopes, bouldery | 74D | 302 | 151323 | 52gd | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Martinsdale-Shawmut, stony-Martinsdale, bouldery, complex, 4 to 25 percent slopes | 732D | 287 | 151309 | 52fy | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Martinsdale-Shawmut complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes, bouldery, warm | 1723D | 247 | 150693 | 51t2 | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Martinsdale-Martinsdale, stony-Shawmut complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes, warm | 1722C | 204 | 150691 | 51t0 | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Whitecow, bouldery-Shawmut, very bouldery-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes, warm | 582E | 196 | 151141 | 528j | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Martinsdale-Martinsdale, stony-Shawmut complex, 15 to 35 percent slopes, warm | 1722E | 140 | 150692 | 51t1 | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 4 to 15 percent slopes, bouldery, warm | 2011D | 46 | 150794 | 51xb | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Martinsdale-Martinsdale, stony-Shawmut complex, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 1222E | 44 | 150541 | 51n5 | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Tolbert complex, 8 to 35 percent slopes, warm | 2014E | 38 | 150798 | 51xg | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, stony-Wickes, very stony, complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes | 748E | 18 | 151322 | 52gc | mt627 | 1998 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes | 167C | 1880 | 147715 | 4yq0 | mt630 | 1991 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Beaverton very gravelly loams, 8 to 25 percent slopes | 154D | 982 | 147707 | 4ypr | mt630 | 1991 | 1:24000 |
Beaverton-Shawmut very gravelly loams, 1 to 4 percent slopes | 751B | 969 | 147903 | 4yx2 | mt630 | 1991 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut stony loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes | 748D | 130 | 2392833 | 2l9y5 | mt632 | | 1:24000 |
Roy-Shawmut-Danvers complex, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 351E | 1139 | 1703249 | 4wlb | mt635 | 2006 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut very bouldery loam, 8 to 25 percent slopes | 451E | 511 | 1703251 | 1v5cl | mt635 | 2006 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut extremely bouldery loam, 8 to 50 percent slopes | 551F | 342 | 1703232 | 1v5bz | mt635 | 2006 | 1:24000 |
Braziel-Shawmut-Finn families, complex, moderately steep young moraines | 21UHF | 298 | 149408 | 50gm | mt635 | 2006 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, bouldery-Shawmut, very bouldery-Tolbert, bouldery, complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes, dry | 745E | 169 | 1703032 | 1v54j | mt635 | 2006 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, bouldery-Shawmut, stony-Tolbert, bouldery, complex, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 744Ej | 93 | 1703031 | 1v54h | mt635 | 2006 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut cobbly loam, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 151E | 85 | 1703240 | 1v5c7 | mt635 | 2006 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 51E | 85 | 1702953 | 1v51z | mt635 | 2006 | 1:24000 |
Whitecow, bouldery-Shawmut, very bouldery-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes | 585E | 61 | 1703256 | 1v5cr | mt635 | 2006 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes | 51D | 57 | 1703224 | 1v5bq | mt635 | 2006 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes | 677C | 2840 | 2517345 | 21v9b | mt637 | 2014 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut stony loam, 4 to 8 percent slopes | 748C | 1894 | 2379117 | 2kvnq | mt637 | 2014 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes | 548D | 1539 | 148046 | 4z1p | mt637 | 2014 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut stony loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes | 748D | 776 | 1590378 | 1qcxj | mt637 | 2014 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut very gravelly loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes | 648A | 452 | 148061 | 4z25 | mt637 | 2014 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, foothills | 677D | 165 | 2523025 | 2qb02 | mt637 | 2014 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Castner complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes | 281F | 3485 | 149851 | 50xx | mt639 | 2000 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Shambo complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes | 304C | 1417 | 149872 | 50yl | mt639 | 2000 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Castner-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes | 333F | 1382 | 149889 | 50z4 | mt639 | 2000 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes | 284C | 1241 | 149854 | 50y0 | mt639 | 2000 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Shambo complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes | 304D | 733 | 149873 | 50ym | mt639 | 2000 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes | 284D | 578 | 149855 | 50y1 | mt639 | 2000 | 1:24000 |
Farnuf-Reedwest-Shawmut complex, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 346E | 467 | 149901 | 50zj | mt639 | 2000 | 1:24000 |
Roy-Shawmut-Danvers complex, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 351E | 41365 | 145679 | 4wlb | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Roy-Shawmut-Danvers complex, 35 to 60 percent slopes | 351F | 8561 | 145680 | 4wlc | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut cobbly loam, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 151E | 3418 | 145559 | 4wgg | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Winspect-Water complex, 8 to 25 percent slopes | 651E | 3318 | 145848 | 4wrs | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes | 51B | 3125 | 145788 | 4wpv | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes | 51D | 3073 | 145790 | 4wpx | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut gravelly loam, 4 to 8 percent slopes | 51C | 2885 | 145789 | 4wpw | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut very bouldery loam, 8 to 25 percent slopes | 451E | 1906 | 145750 | 4wnm | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut extremely bouldery loam, 8 to 50 percent slopes | 551F | 1862 | 145811 | 4wql | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut cobbly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes | 151D | 1685 | 145558 | 4wgf | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Winspect-Water complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes | 651C | 1537 | 145847 | 4wrr | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut cobbly loam, 35 to 60 percent slopes | 151F | 919 | 145560 | 4wgh | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut cobbly loam, 4 to 8 percent slopes | 151C | 877 | 145557 | 4wgd | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Winspect-Water complex, 25 to 50 percent slopes | 651F | 672 | 145849 | 4wrt | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut stony loam, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 251E | 602 | 145624 | 4wjk | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Martinsdale complex, 4 to 8 percent slopes | 53C | 386 | 145798 | 4wq5 | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Martinsdale complex, 0 to 4 percent slopes | 53B | 170 | 145797 | 4wq4 | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut stony loam, 0 to 15 percent slopes | 251D | 102 | 145623 | 4wjj | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut very bouldery loam, 25 to 50 percent slopes | 451F | 99 | 145751 | 4wnn | mt644 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Castner-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes | 333F | 1248 | 600120 | n4gq | mt655 | 1975 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Windham gravelly loams, 0 to 4 percent slopes | 126B | 1917 | 348326 | cpgb | mt657 | 1990 | 1:24000 |
Meagher, stony-Shawmut, very stony-Windham, stony complex, 4 to 35 percent slopes | 2421E | 5796 | 696143 | rcd7 | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Reedwest, extremely stony-Shawmut, stony-Cabba, stony complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes | 5617F | 4666 | 156482 | 57tt | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Tolbert-Shawmut-Blaincreek complex, very stony, 15 to 60 percent slopes | 8608F | 3747 | 156772 | 5845 | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, very stony-Wimper, extremely bouldery-Gnojek, bouldery complex, 4 to 35 percent slopes | 3511E | 3585 | 695978 | rc6x | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Whitlash, very stony-Bowery-Shawmut, very stony complex, 2 to 70 percent slopes | 3608F | 3432 | 697414 | rdq7 | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Gnojek,very stony-Tolbert,very stony-Shawmut,very stony complex, 35 to 60 percent slopes | 8603F | 3220 | 156767 | 5840 | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Corbly, extremely stony-Wimper, extremely stony - Shawmut, very stony complex, 8 to 35 percent slopes | 3510E | 2874 | 156486 | 57ty | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Meagher complex, extremely bouldery, 8 to 35 percent slopes | 365D | 2111 | 156912 | 588p | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Meagher-Shawmut complex, stony, 4 to 25 percent slopes | 766E | 1934 | 156962 | 58b9 | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Bitton-Shawmut-Vershal complex, very stony, 15 to 60 percent slopes | 3604F | 1813 | 156626 | 57zg | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, stony-Bowery-Gnojek, very stony complex, cool, 15 to 60 percent slopes | 801F | 1680 | 1017170 | 134fy | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, extremely bouldery-Pachel-Martinsdale-Sawicki, extremely bouldery complex, 2 to 60 percent slopes | 3529F | 1575 | 697291 | rdl8 | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Shawmut, very stony-Bowery-Bigbear, very stony complex, 4 to 45 percent slopes | 3541E | 1539 | 655067 | pzn6 | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Beaverton, extremely stony-Meagher complex, 4 to 8 percent slopes | 65C | 1462 | 156836 | 5867 | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Meagher-Shawmut complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes | 2205C | 855 | 711055 | rvx8 | mt669 | | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Zillion-Tosca complex, 10 to 60 percent slopes, very stony | 581 | 9391 | 2677839 | 2s0l3 | ut013 | | 1:24000 |
Winetti-like-Shawmut-Fessler-like complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes | 2246 | | 3136921 | 2ypqt | wy629 | | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Martinsdale-Vision, stony complex, 4 to 8 percent slopes | 421 | | 2552276 | 2qtzz | wy629 | | 1:24000 |
Pachel-like-Farnuf, stony-Shawmut, extremely stony complex, 6 to 15 percent slopes | 2308 | | 3136844 | 2ypnd | wy629 | | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Martinsdale complex, 10 to 20 percent slopes | 2316 | | 3136895 | 2yppz | wy629 | | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Beartooth-like complex, 6 to 15 percent slopes | 2324 | | 3209061 | 2zdqt | wy629 | | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Braziel complex, 8 to 25 percent slopes | 2401 | | 2551473 | 2qtsb | wy629 | | 1:24000 |
Pachel-like-Farnuf-Shawmut, extremely stony complex, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 2403 | | 3136842 | 2ypnb | wy629 | | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Lolo-like complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes, extremely stony | 2501 | | 3136891 | 2yppv | wy629 | | 1:24000 |
Trapps-Shawmut complex, 1 to 20 percent slopes, extremely stony | 3301 | | 3136840 | 2ypn8 | wy629 | | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Leavitt, very stony-Rock outcrop complex, 25 to 40 percent slopes | 5536 | | 3136871 | 2ypp7 | wy629 | | 1:24000 |
Wimper-like, extremely stony-Pachel-Shawmut, extremely stony complex, 6 to 20 percent slopes | 9304 | | 3136877 | 2yppf | wy629 | | 1:24000 |
Herm-like-Shawmut, very stony-Hoyt-like complex, 10 to 50 percent slopes | 9421 | | 3209067 | 2zdr0 | wy629 | | 1:24000 |
Lolo family-Rock outcrop-Shamut family, complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes | 619 | 394 | 1862629 | 20j6t | wy647 | | 1:24000 |
Pachel-like-Farnuf, stony-Shawmut, extremely stony complex, 6 to 15 percent slopes | 2308 | | 3253356 | 2ypnd | wy656 | 2008 | 1:24000 |
Shawmut-Martinsdale complex, 10 to 20 percent slopes | 2316 | | 3253353 | 2yppz | wy656 | 2008 | 1:24000 |
Herm-like-Shawmut, very stony-Hoyt-like complex, 10 to 50 percent slopes | 9421 | | 3302910 | 2zdr0 | wy656 | 2008 | 1:24000 |
Pachel-like-Farnuf-Shawmut, extremely stony complex, 15 to 35 percent slopes | 2403 | | 3253341 | 2ypnb | wy656 | 2008 | 1:24000 |
Trapps-Shawmut complex, 1 to 20 percent slopes, extremely stony | 3301 | | 3253358 | 2ypn8 | wy656 | 2008 | 1:24000 |
Lolo family-Rock outcrop-Shamut family, complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes | 12L | 18489 | 157749 | 594p | wy656 | 2008 | 1:24000 |