Official Series Description

Lab Data Summary

Aggregate lab data for the MILFORD soil series. This aggregation is based on all pedons with a current taxon name of MILFORD, and applied along 1-cm thick depth slices. Solid lines are the slice-wise median, bounded on either side by the interval defined by the slice-wise 5th and 95th percentiles. The median is the value that splits the data in half. Five percent of the data are less than the 5th percentile, and five percent of the data are greater than the 95th percentile. Values along the right hand side y-axis describe the proportion of pedon data that contribute to aggregate values at this depth. For example, a value of "90%" at 25cm means that 90% of the pedons correlated to MILFORD were used in the calculation. Source: KSSL snapshot . Methods used to assemble the KSSL snapshot used by SoilWeb / SDE

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Pedons used in the lab summary:

MLRALab IDPedon IDTaxonnameCINSSL / NASIS ReportsLink To SoilWeb GMap
108A64IL0410011964IL041001Milford4Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties39.7240554,-88.174556
108A76IL0190011976IL019001Milford1Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties39.8941504,-88.4127972
108B77IL0730191977IL073019Milford1Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties41.4513055,-89.9536136
108B79IL1030061979IL103006Milford1Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties41.6207932,-89.6140525
11040IL07500440IL-075-004Milford2Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.58679,-87.9333874
11059IL07500159IL-075-001Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.7572604,-87.9586077
11074IL19700174IL-197-001Milford4Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties41.4369289,-88.1443253
11078IL07501278IL-075-012Milford1Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.5818512,-87.8234976
11082P018481IN007005Milford5Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.6138878,-87.5083313
11084IL18304684IL-183-046Milford2Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.4726,-87.7893222
11040A2001S1957IL091001Milford6Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties41.2865333,-87.877925
111AHE68011968IN063001Milford2Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties39.8309528,-86.4878778
111AHN71031971IN059003Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties39.798275,-85.8926861
111AHN71051971IN059005Milford2Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties39.9002528,-85.650725
111ADC78121978IN031012Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties39.1923056,-85.6531917
111BMI71011971IN103001Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.7955639,-86.0101778
111BAD78051978IN001005Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.581425,-85.0441194
111BWB78011978IN169001Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties41.0217694,-85.7073667
111BJY79041979IN075004Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.5403472,-85.0498889
111BRA79411979IN135041Milford2Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.2952194,-84.8270417
111BWE85061985IN179006Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.6156972,-85.0705639
111CNO69031969IN113003Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties41.516075,-85.260375
111C95P0253S1994IN039011MILFORD7Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties41.4650002,-85.769165
111DBO68021968IN011002Milford2Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.0320028,-86.4781028
111DBO68041968IN011004Milford2Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.0624722,-86.5170583
111DCT73011973IN023001Milford2Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.21255,-86.6699222
111DCT75131975IN023013Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.4171639,-86.5122306
111DCT76071976IN023007Milford2Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.3693389,-86.5248806
111DWB76061976IN169006Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.7116278,-85.7910694
111DMY77021977IN107002Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.1703111,-86.7341917
111DBE80231980IN007023Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.6248889,-87.3622806
111DMY80121980IN107012Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.0971861,-86.8753583
111DMY80241980IN107024Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties39.9722639,-87.0802083
111DCA85011985IN015001Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.4464222,-86.5057139
111DTI85211985IN157021Milford2Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.2739528,-86.7453611
111D82P018581IN007006Milford5Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties40.5916672,-87.3583298
111D93P0003S1992IN121003Milford7Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties39.9470825,-87.1423645
115AKX76061976IN083006Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties38.8018278,-87.2725
28A90P047604ut626-067labMilford6Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties38.3169096,-113.0619119
97PR71011971IN127001Milford2Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties41.5817222,-87.0951167
9985P009084MI115001Milford7Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Properties41.7538872,-83.6380539
n/aER-0151961-OH043-015Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Propertiesn/a
n/aAG-0031972-OH011-003Milford3Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Propertiesn/a
n/aMR-0041982-OH101-004Milford5Primary | Supplementary | Taxonomy | Pedon | Water Retention | Correlation | Andic Soil Propertiesn/a

Water Balance

Monthly water balance estimated using a leaky-bucket style model for the MILFORD soil series. Monthly precipitation (PPT) and potential evapotranspiration (PET) have been estimated from the 50th percentile of gridded values (PRISM 1981-2010) overlapping with the extent of SSURGO map units containing each series as a major component. Monthly PET values were estimated using the method of Thornthwaite (1948). These (and other) climatic parameters are calculated with each SSURGO refresh and provided by the fetchOSD function of the soilDB package. Representative water storage values (“AWC” in the figures) were derived from SSURGO by taking the 50th percentile of profile-total water storage (sum[awc_r * horizon thickness]) for each soil series. Note that this representation of “water storage” is based on the average ability of most plants to extract soil water between 15 bar (“permanent wilting point”) and 1/3 bar (“field capacity”) matric potential. Soil moisture state can be roughly interpreted as “dry” when storage is depleted, “moist” when storage is between 0mm and AWC, and “wet” when there is a surplus. Clearly there are a lot of assumptions baked into this kind of monthly water balance. This is still a work in progress.

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Click the image to view it full size.

Sibling Summary

Siblings are those soil series that occur together in map units, in this case with the MILFORD series. Sketches are arranged according to their subgroup-level taxonomic structure. Source: SSURGO snapshot , parsed OSD records and snapshot of SC database .

Click the image to view it full size.

Select annual climate data summaries for the MILFORD series and siblings. Series are sorted according to hierarchical clustering of median values. Source: SSURGO map unit geometry and 1981-2010, 800m PRISM data .

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Geomorphic description summaries for the MILFORD series and siblings. Series are sorted according to hierarchical clustering of proportions and relative hydrologic position within an idealized landform (e.g. top to bottom). Most soil series (SSURGO components) are associated with a hillslope position and one or more landform-specific positions: hills, mountain slopes, terraces, and/or flats. Proportions can be interpreted as an aggregate representation of geomorphic membership. The values printed to the left (number of component records) and right (Shannon entropy) of stacked bars can be used to judge the reliability of trends. Small Shannon entropy values suggest relatively consistent geomorphic association, while larger values suggest lack thereof. Source: SSURGO component records .

Click the image to view it full size.

Click the image to view it full size.

There are insufficient data to create the 3D mountains figure.

Click the image to view it full size.

Click the image to view it full size.

Competing Series

Soil series competing with MILFORD share the same family level classification in Soil Taxonomy. Source: parsed OSD records and snapshot of the SC database .

Click the image to view it full size.

Select annual climate data summaries for the MILFORD series and competing. Series are sorted according to hierarchical clustering of median values. Source: SSURGO map unit geometry and 1981-2010, 800m PRISM data .

Click the image to view it full size.

Geomorphic description summaries for the MILFORD series and competing. Series are sorted according to hierarchical clustering of proportions and relative hydrologic position within an idealized landform (e.g. top to bottom). Proportions can be interpreted as an aggregate representation of geomorphic membership. Most soil series (SSURGO components) are associated with a hillslope position and one or more landform-specific positions: hills, mountain slopes, terraces, and/or flats. The values printed to the left (number of component records) and right (Shannon entropy) of stacked bars can be used to judge the reliability of trends. Shannon entropy values close to 0 represent soil series with relatively consistent geomorphic association, while values close to 1 suggest lack thereof. Source: SSURGO component records .

Click the image to view it full size.

Click the image to view it full size.

There are insufficient data to create the 3D mountains figure.

There are insufficient data to create the 3D terrace figure.

Click the image to view it full size.

Soil series sharing subgroup-level classification with MILFORD, arranged according to family differentiae. Hovering over a series name will print full classification and a small sketch from the OSD. Source: snapshot of SC database .

Block Diagrams

Click a link below to display the diagram. Note that these diagrams may be from multiple survey areas.

  1. IL-2010-08-31-17 | Edgar County - 2002

    Typical pattern of soils and parent material in the Drummer-Milford association (Soil Survey of Edgar County, Illinois; 2002).

  2. IL-2011-08-04-12 | Ford County - 1990

    Typical pattern of soils and parent material in the Milford-Martinton-Del Ray association (Soil Survey of Ford County, Illinois; 1990).

  3. IL-2011-08-04-46 | Lee County - 1985

    Pattern of soils and underlying material in the Selma-Gilford association (Soil Survey of Lee County, Illinois; 1985).

  4. IN-2010-09-02-06 | Pulaski County - 2003

    Typical pattern of soils and underlying material in the Strole-Rensselaer-Milford association (Soil Survey of Pulaski County, Indiana; 2003).

  5. IN-2010-09-27-08 | St. Joseph County -

    Typical pattern of soils and underlying material in the Morley-Blount-Riddles association (Soil Survey of St. Joseph County, Indiana).

  6. IN-2012-01-19-01 | Adams County - March 1986

    Pattern of soils and parent material in the Blount-Pewamo map unit (Soil Survey of Adams County, Indiana; 1986).

  7. IN-2012-01-19-36 | Lake County - July 1972

    Morley-Blount-Pewamo and Elliott-Markham-Pewamo soil assocations (Soil Survey of Lake County, Indiana; 1972).

  8. IN-2012-01-20-13 | Wabash County - February 1983

    Pattern of soils and underlying material in the Miami-Riddles map unit (Soil Survey of Wabash County, Indiana; 1983).

  9. IN-2012-01-20-15 | Wabash County - February 1983

    Pattern of soils and underlying material in the Fox-Ockley-Kosciusko map unit (Soil Survey of Wabash County, Indiana; 1983).

Map Units

Map units containing MILFORD as a major component. Limited to 250 records.

Map Unit Name Symbol Map Unit Area (ac) Map Unit Key National Map Unit Symbol Soil Survey Area Publication Date Map Scale
Drummer-Milford silty clay loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes722A3002215474662ytd3il02920051:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A1772219135752smzkil03120081:12000
Milford-Martinton complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes849A6703238397931302il03120081:12000
Drummer-Milford silty clay loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes722A8445010194402ytd3il04120041:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A265712001756q98il04120041:12000
Milford silty clay loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes747A271810187801363wil04120041:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A11541834482smzkil04319981:12000
Milford-Martinton complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes849A12818345531302il04319981:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A1585843536x9rvil04519971:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A225461982842smzkil05320011:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A942411439572smzkil06320051:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A283824463786kjil07320011:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A1179871755952smzkil07519801:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A46831987862smzkil08920001:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A119998124562smzkil09120031:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A408517106362smzkil09320071:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A174151770002smzkil10519911:15840
Drummer-Milford silty clay loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes722A3637719139712ytd3il11520071:12000
Drummer-Milford silty clay loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes722A782497806542ytd3il13919991:12000
Drummer-Milford silty clay loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes722A2261219129512ytd3il14720091:12000
Drummer-Milford silty clay loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes, rarely flooded7722A4276194951623fmmil14720091:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A1425416011092smzkil18320061:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A953793024vm6fil19520031:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes69A8182623982smzkil19720021:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMh51671634372wp28in00119831:15840
Milford silty clay loamMm5221651975jwyin01519871:15840
Milford silty clay loam, occasionally floodedMp4691652015jx2in01519871:15840
Milford silt loam, potholeMo3891652005jx1in01519871:15840
Milford silty clay loamMx28381623445fxxin02319781:20000
Milford silty clayMr1481623995fzpin03119801:15840
Milford silty clay loam, till substratum, 0 to 1 percent slopesMprA16691649065jlkin03519971:12000
Milford silty clay loam, stratified sandy substratum, 0 to 1 percent slopesMphA13721649055jljin03519971:12000
Milford mucky silty clay, pothole, 0 to 1 percent slopesMorA4671649045jlhin03519971:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopesMouA1512684122wp29in03919971:12000
Milford silty clay loamMr1881622905fw5in04719841:15840
Milford silty clay loamMr9461608355dc7in05919741:15840
Milford silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, overwashMo89152724713130hin08919671:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMr35912724722smzkin08919671:15840
Milford-Palms-Wallkill complexMt198327247494jhin08919671:15840
Milford silty clay loam, sandy substratumMs186827247394jgin08919671:15840
Milford silty clay loamMp31527267194qvin09119791:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopesMouA166517025562wp29in09919781:15840
Milford silty clayMk9031619705fjvin10319771:20000
Milford silty clay loam, potholeMs23671630315gn2in10719841:15840
Milford variant mucky silty clayMt3661630325gn3in10719841:15840
Milford silty clay loamMp10301632335gvlin10919791:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMn48942725532wp28in11319741:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMp58071606622smzkin12719781:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopesMouA26831849502wp29in13120011:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopesMouA48546123502wp29in14120011:12000
Urban land-Milford complex, 0 to 1 percent slopesUkeA47612255nk35in14120011:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMn23331602202wp28in15119791:20000
Milford silty clay loam, potholeMu20411641565htcin15719901:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMm17501612012wp28in16919801:15840
Sebewa-Milford complexSf15131612345ds3in16919801:15840
Milford silty clay loam, potholeMr15971631375grhin17119871:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMh106171612582wp28in17919881:15840
Milford silty clay loam, stratified sandy substratumMk7651612595dsxin17919881:15840
Urban land-Milford complex, 0 to 2 percent slopesUmhA2732168642yc4vin17919881:15840
Milford-Urban land complex, 0 to 2 percent slopesYmjA2732168712yc36in17919881:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMs20771617962wp28in18319851:15840
Milford silty clayMf30251696915pkxoh01119791:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMe14911462492wp28oh01119791:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMvA2915899761qchkoh01719771:15840
Milford silty clay loam, sandy substratumMo22931717555rqhoh02319971:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMf417090142wp28oh03319751:15840
Milford silty clay loam, gravelly substratum, 0 to 2 percent slopesMsA6313921351hqmloh03719841:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopesMfA43151721565s4foh04319981:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMf102521689472wp28oh06519871:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMf322041712052wp28oh10119841:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMf24161703572wp28oh11719861:15840
Milford silty clay loam, gravelly substratum, 0 to 2 percent slopesMrA55624762nz3moh13520051:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMpA45624761nz3loh13520051:12000
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMh515922172wp28oh14719781:15840
Milford silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesMh123521696362wp28oh17519801:15840
Milford silty clay loamMr11236423811g70bwi05519761:15840

Map of Series Extent

Approximate geographic distribution of the MILFORD soil series. To learn more about how this distribution was mapped, or to compare this soil series extent to others, use the Series Extent Explorer (SEE) application. Source: generalization of SSURGO geometry .